Go Genius World - Play & Learn Game
Fun board game with questions in three levels to learn about our wonderful world.
Jokes for kids aged 8
The Wicked Uncle Humourologist Elves have determined the best jokes for 8 year olds. They conclude that sarcasm and silliness feature heavily, and that jokes about the Queen burping have a 100% success rate. Scientific stuff!
Q. What do you do if you see a spaceman?
A. Park your car, man.
Q. What do you call a man with a large flat fish on his head?
A. Ray!
gifts for 8 year old jokesters...
Go Genius World - Play & Learn Game
Fun board game with questions in three levels to learn about our wonderful world.
Q. What does the King do when he burps?
A. He issues a royal pardon.
Q. Why didn't the skeleton go to the party?
A. Because he had no body to go with.
Q. Where do sheep go on holiday?
A. To the Baaaaa-hamas.
Q. What did the pig say on the beach?
A. “I’m bacon”.
gifts for 8 year old jokesters...
Salt Water Engine Car
Build your own salt water powered V8 engine car - simply add a few drops of salt water and watch it go!
Q. How did the yeti feel when he had flu?
A. Abominable.
Q. Why did the opera singer go on a cruise?
A. She wanted to hit the high Cs.
Q. Did you hear about the two guys who stole a calendar?
A. They each got six months.
Q. What’s the difference between a fish and piano?
A. You can’t tuna fish.
gifts for 8 year old jokesters...
Push Popper - 5-in-1 Electronic Game
Test your reflexes as you pop the light-up rubber buttons - addictive!
Q. What is it called when a cat wins a dog show?
A. A cat-has-trophy.
Q. What do you call an exploding monkey?
A. A Bab-boom.
Q. What happened when the owl lost her voice?
A. She didn’t give a hoot.
Q. Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
A. Because you can see right through them!
gifts for 8 year old jokesters...
Laid-Back Glasses - See at 90 Degree Angle - Chill Out!
Read, look at your phone or watch TV while lying down - wacky & fun!
Q. How do you help an injured pig?
A. Call a hambulance.
Q. What do you call a French man in sandals?
A. Phillipe Phloppe.