Hero Hockey - Fast Magnetic Game
Steer your superhero player with magnets to control the ball and score the most goals.
Jokes for kids aged 7
Here are some of the most age appropriate jokes for 7 year olds, as selected by the Wicked Uncle Humourologist Elves. 7 year olds love a play on words and can remember longer jokes than they could when they were 6. The elves also noted that 7 year olds liked simple, sarcastic one liners - don't we all?
Q. What do you call a rich elf?
A. Welfy.
Two hedgehogs are in the middle of the road and they're by a zebra crossing. One says, "Don't cross here!" The other one says, "Why not?" The first one says, "Look what happened to this zebra!"
gifts for 7 year old jokesters...
Hero Hockey - Fast Magnetic Game
Steer your superhero player with magnets to control the ball and score the most goals.
Q. When does it rain money?
A. When there is "change" in the weather.
Q. How did the yeti feel when he had flu?
A. Abominable.
Q. What’s the difference between mashed potatoes and pea soup?
A. Anyone can mash potatoes….
A boy asks his father, “Dad, are bugs good to eat?” “That’s disgusting — don’t talk about things like that over dinner,” the dad replies. After dinner the father asks, “Now, son, what did you want to ask me?” “Oh, nothing,” the boy says. “There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone.”
gifts for 7 year old jokesters...
Fun Tape Measure - Filled with Silly Facts
Shows the size of the largest diamond to how high a pig can jump!
Q. How does the man in the moon cut his hair?
A. Eclipse it.
Q. What’s faster, cold or hot?
A. Hot, because you can catch a cold.
Q. Who is the world's greatest underwater secret agent?
A. James Pond.
Q. Why wouldn't the crab share his sweets?
A. Because he was a little shellfish!
gifts for 7 year old jokesters...
The Funniest Back to School Joke Book
More than 200 side-splitting gags, from puns to homework excuses!
Q. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
A. To get to the bottom.
Q. Why did the scientist wear denim?
A. Because he was a jean-ius.
Q. What happens when cows refuse to be milked?
A. Udder chaos.
Q. What do you call a man trapped in a paper bag?
A. Russell.
gifts for 7 year old jokesters...
The Funniest Dinosaur Joke Book
More than 150 side-splitting gags, from T-Rex titters to Paleo puns!
A man was taken to hospital after eating daffodil bulbs. Doctors say he’s recovering and he’ll be out in the Spring.
Q. How are false teeth like stars?
A. They come out at night!