Jokes for kids aged 6

The Wicked Uncle joke experts have extensively researched the humour of 6 year olds. They have concluded that they love knock knock jokes, and anything that is a little bit cheeky. Here are some of the best jokes for 6 year olds.

Q. What is yellow and dangerous?

A. Shark infested custard!

Q. How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?

A. Ten (tickles).

gifts for 6 year old jokesters...

Amazing Magic Pens - Set of 25

Set of 25 Amazing Pens from Marvin's Magic that can transform and erase colours.

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Q. Why do dragons sleep during the day?

A. So they can fight knights.

Q. What’s red and invisible?

A. No tomatoes.

Q. Why did the starfish blush?

A. Because the sea weed.

Q. What's a foot long and slippery?

A. A slipper.

gifts for 6 year old jokesters...

Eye Opener - Hidden Picture Guessing Game

Slide the lever to slowly reveal one of 200 mystery images - guess quickly to win!

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Q. How do you organize a space party?

A. Planet early.

Q. What time should you go to the dentist?

A. Tooth hurty.

Knock, knock. -Who's there? -Little old lady. -Little old lady who? -I didn't know you could yodel!

Q. How do you catch a squirrel?

A. Climb a tree and act like a nut.

gifts for 6 year old jokesters...

The Funniest Back to School Joke Book

More than 200 side-splitting gags, from puns to homework excuses!

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Q. Why did the burglar take a shower?

A. He wanted to make a clean getaway.

Q. How can you tell which rabbit is the oldest?

A. Look for grey hares.

Q. Where does Tarzan buy his clothes?

A. At a jungle sale.

Q. When is it bad luck to meet a black cat?

A. When you’re a mouse.

gifts for 6 year old jokesters...

The Funniest Dinosaur Joke Book

More than 150 side-splitting gags, from T-Rex titters to Paleo puns!

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Q. What do you do when 50 zombies surround your house?

A. Hope it’s Halloween!!

I started writing a story about a broken pencil, but I gave up because it was pointless.