Jokes for kids aged 3

3 year olds like to laugh and are beginning to understand what jokes are and how they work. Here are a selection of simple and easy to remember jokes which have been expertly selected to guarantee some giggles!

Q. What does a cow do for fun?

A. Goes to the mooo-vies.

Q. What do you call a donkey with three legs?

A. Wonky.

gifts for 3 year old jokesters...

Crazy Faces - Magneti'Book

Fun 82 piece magnetic set - mix & match funny & colourful characters!

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Q. How do all the oceans say hello to each other?

A. They wave!

Q. What’s the difference between elephants and bananas?

A. Bananas are yellow.

Q. What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?

A. Hot cross bunnies.

Q. Where does the queen keep her armies?

A. Up her sleevies.

gifts for 3 year old jokesters...

Bath Time Flutes - Musical Fun!

Set of 5 colourful flutes - fill them with water & play a happy tune!

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Q. What do you call a train that sneezes?

A. Achoo-choo train.

Q. Why do giraffes have such long necks?

A. Because they have smelly feet.

Q. What do you get if you cross a sheep with a kangaroo?

A. A Woolly Jumper.

Q. What did the policeman say to his tummy?

A. You're under a vest!

gifts for 3 year old jokesters...

Animal Alphabet - Wooden Topple Tower with 6 Games

Colourful wooden building blocks with animal themes, 6 different games to play.

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Q. Why was six scared of seven?

A. Because seven eight nine.

Q. Where do you find a dog with no legs?

A. Where you left him.

Q. Why are pirates called pirates?

A. Because they ARRRRRR.

Q. How do you start a teddy bear race?

A. Ready teddy go!

gifts for 3 year old jokesters...

Take-Along Tool Kit - Design & Drill

Create endless patterns with sturdy bolts & a battery-powered tool!

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Q. Which dinosaur had to wear glasses?

A. Tyrannosaurus Specs!

Q. What do you call an alligator dressed in a vest?

A. An investigator!