Jokes for kids aged 10

Our expert humourologists have determined the most age appropriate jokes for 10 year olds. We have studied their humour and concluded that bodily functions feature heavily, with a slightly more sophisticated appreciation of sarcasm than younger age groups.

Q. What did one plate say to the other?

A. Dinner is on me!

My friend recently got crushed by a pile of books, but he’s only got his shelf to blame.

gifts for 10 year old jokesters...

Sonic Booma Boomerang - Returns Every Time!

Awesome boomerang with whistling wings & 20m flight range - wow!

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Q. What do you call a dinosaur with a extensive vocabulary?

A. A thesaurus.

Q. Why did Luke Skywalker always sleep with the light on?

A. He was afraid of the Darth.

Two silk worms had a race. It ended in a tie.

Q. What did the llama say when he got kicked out of the zoo?

A. “Alpaca my bags!”

gifts for 10 year old jokesters...

Spirograph Animator - With light effects!

The classic Spirograph design set is back and better than ever, with a twist!

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Q. How do stop an astronaut's baby crying?

A. You rocket!

Q. How do you make gold soup?

A. Put in 14 carrots.

Q. If you’re English in the kitchen and English in the living room, what are you in the bathroom?

A. European.

Q. If a butcher wears a size XL shirt and a size 13 shoe, what does he weigh?

A. Meat.

gifts for 10 year old jokesters...

Hydraulic Cyborg Hand - Build Kit

Build your own water powered, wearable hand - no batteries required!

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Q. What gives you the power to walk through a wall?

A. A door.

Q. How to bears keep cool?

A. They use bear-conditioning.

Q. What happens when you wear a snow suit inside?

A. It melts all over the carpet.

Q. Why are fish so intelligent?

A. Because they’re always in schools.

gifts for 10 year old jokesters...

LED Light Up Gloves - Age 8-13 Years

Awesome LED gloves with 6 colourful light modes - light up the night!

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Q. Why did the man put his money in the freezer?

A. He wanted cold hard cash.

Q. What kind of tree fits in your hand?

A. A palm tree!