Toddlers can be an absolute nightmare. But with all the frustration comes those moments of absolute hilarity! If you’ve been tearing your hair out over your little devil lately, we’ve got 17 posts to remind that you’re not alone…
1. Creative child locks!
the problem: my daughter won’t stop climbing on the fireplace.
— NewDadNotes (@NewDadNotes) July 2, 2019
observation: my daughter hates Elmo.
solution: I made a toddler scarecrow.
2. When you leave your card details saved…
Toddler buys $400 couch on Amazon unbeknownst to mom
— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 2, 2019
3. A battle of wits
I put my hands on my hips while I was talking to the toddler today.
— Mom On The Rocks (@mom_ontherocks) July 1, 2019
Then she put her hands under her arms and flapping them up and down and making chicken noises.
So I started barking at her and now she’s crying. I win.
4. Living a double life as a super-villain!
My toddler: *wakes up in tears*
— Jazza (@JazzaStudios) June 28, 2019
Me: what's wrong??
Toddler: I had a bad dream :'(
Me: oh no! What happened in it?
Toddler: I was Thanos, and he scared me
Me:… *sympathy combined with trying not to lose it* 🤣
5. When they nearly know too much
5 yo daughter: Mommy, know how babies are borned!
— Pauline Yasuda (@PaulineYasuda) June 29, 2019
Me: Oh dear. How?
Daughter: Fairy dust.
Thank god…#momlife #toddlerlife
6. The adorable obliviousness
My toddler is trying to put away her crayons in a box with no bottom
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) May 1, 2016
I’d help her, but she’s too happy
She thinks she has infinite crayons
7. When they get cheeky!
8. Their bizarre version of reality…
wife: Why are there chicken nuggets all over the front yard?
— Josh (@iwearaonesie) June 23, 2019
me [whispers] Why are there chicken nuggets all over the front yard?
toddler [whispers] I planted chicken nugget trees
me: He planted chicken nugget trees
10. For the last time, shave it off!
Toddler 1: which one is your dad?
— WTFDAD (@daddydoubts) June 24, 2019
Toddler 2: anyone with a beard.
Toddler 1: omg same!
11. We love them really…
We call them “toddlers” only because “tiny treacherous tumult tornados” wouldn’t look right on a cute outfit.
— Richard Dean (@dad_on_my_feet) June 27, 2019
12. You know it’s true.
Assert your dominance.
— Stewie Loves Coffee ☕ (@stewiecoffee) July 2, 2019
Be a toddler.
13. Always breaking the rules!
Whoops! This adorable toddler was caught without a license.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) June 30, 2019
14. Learning can be a confusing process!
Toddler: What’s that?
— Daddy’s Digest (@daddysdigest) June 30, 2019
Me: That’s a table.
Toddler: What’s that?
Me: That’s a chair.
Toddler: *pointing at himself* What’s that?
Me: That’s an existential crisis.
15. They’ll do anything to deceive you
We need a toddler diet that looks like cat food but made for babies that think they're getting away with something
— Dr. Emily (@DrEmilyThomas) June 28, 2019