They say one is born every second, but some days are busier than others! In fact on the most popular day, over 2,000 babies are born. Can you guess when it might be? Here are a few insights into the most common UK birthdays along with some gift ideas, just in case you need them!
The most common UK birthdays:
- September 26: the most common birthday
- The runners-up: September 25 and September 24
- What to buy for September birthdays
September 26: the most common birthday!
The most common birthday in the UK is September 26. Why is this the most popular birthday? Count back nine months, and you’ll probably work it out! The most commonly cited reason is that it’s because many babies are conceived over the festive season. According to experts, a secondary reason could be that some parents plan births to occur when their older children have returned to school.
The Runners Up: September 25 and 24
Unsurprisingly, the second most common birthday in the UK is September 25, and the third most common is September 24. Again, the reason that these birthdays are so popular is because of an increase in conceptions around Christmas and planning for the back-to-school season. And the UK isn’t alone in this trend – September is also the most popular birth month in the U.S. and New Zealand!
What to buy for September birthdays
With September being such a busy month for birthdays and parties, have a look at these recommendations for children including books and games, building and construction sets, creative gifts, educational toys, engineer, outdoorsy, science gifts and puzzles.