In need of some expert advice about how to clean children’s toys? You’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled some brilliant tricks and techniques for keeping your kids’ favourite things hygienic and looking their best. Get ready to start cleaning because here are our top tips!
The best techniques for cleaning children’s toys:
1. Warm soapy water

We all know that soap and water are the keys to keeping hands clean, but this combination also works well for many toys. Common toys such as plastic action figures, plastic blocks and baby rattles can all be cleaned in the kitchen sink with a little bit of warm water and a couple squirts of washing-up liquid.
Of course, it’s important to remember that you should never submerge or wash any toy with electrical components. This includes toys with batteries, lights or sounds. It’s not safe, and it risks ruining the toys.
2. The dishwasher

The dishwasher is another great tool in the fight against toy grime! All kinds of solid plastic toys can go in the dishwasher, from animal figurines to plastic blocks and bricks.
You can place larger toys securely in the dishwasher’s upper rack, just like you would cups. For smaller toys, it’s best to put them in a mesh bag or the cutlery basket. Run the toys through a normal cycle, and then air-dry or use a towel to bring them back into dry, pristine, play-ready condition.
3. The washing machine

While you can hand-wash some soft toys in the sink or bath, many require a slightly more aggressive approach. With these types of toys, the washing machine is your best friend! The majority of plush toys have care labels, so be sure to read the manufacturer’s recommendations first. That said, most plain plush toys and fabric books can be run through a gentle cycle.
Once again, it’s important not to wash toys with electrical components, including battery packs, or metal parts, as these can be destroyed in water.
Before washing, you’ll want to check the toy for any loose decorations or buttons and mend any tears or holes. Then, place the plush toys inside of a pillowcase or a purpose-built toy washing bag. If using a pillowcase, tie off the top with a knot to prevent escapees. Then, start a gentle cycle with warm water and a slow spin. If you have a dryer, you can dry the toys (still inside the pillowcase) on very low heat. Otherwise, you can place the toy in an air dryer, on a radiator, or even use a hairdryer (on a low heat setting).
4. Sanitising wipes

When all else fails, try disinfectant surface wipes! Wipes are an especially smart solution for toys with electrical components. If you’re worried about your child putting toys in their mouth, it’s worth purchasing wipes with safe, food-grade sanitisers.
This technique is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is wipe the toy until you’re satisfied with how it looks and feels. Leave the toy somewhere to dry for a few minutes, and voila, it’s clean!
5. The garden hose

For outdoor toys or toys that are simply too big to clean any other way, it’s time to unravel the garden hose. Bring out a bucket of hot soapy water, wipe items down with a cloth or sponge and then spray it all off, just as you would with a car.
And although this might be the most labour-intensive method of cleaning toys on the list, it’s also the most fun, as it can easily turn into a family water fight!
Looking for some brilliant toys and games for kids? Check out what’s popular on our website!
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