The festive season is a brilliant time to make lasting memories with your children. There are many annual activities you can do as a family, from decorating the tree and baking to watching Christmas films. Need some more seasonal inspiration? Here’s our ultimate list of Christmas traditions you should start this year!
Top Traditions:
- Have a decorating party
- Make a Christmas activity wish list
- Give unwanted toys to a local toy bank
- Write letters to Father Christmas
- Enjoy a Christmas-themed film night
- Open a gift on Christmas Eve
- Have a special Christmas morning breakfast
1. Have a decorating party

This tradition is easy to start and loads of fun to maintain! Choose a date when you’ll put up the Christmas decorations every year. For many families, this is the first of December.
Now, make this a special occasion — put on some holiday music and enjoy hot chocolate and special festive snacks as you put up the tree, string the lights and generally deck the halls!
2. Make a Christmas activity wish list

At the beginning of the holiday season, sit down as a family and brainstorm some activities you’d like to do together. Think ice-skating, going for a walk or drive to look at Christmas lights, baking holiday treats or watching specific Christmas films. Write out your list and put it on display — and see how many you can cross off this season!
3. Give unwanted toys to a local toy bank

Teaching your kids to share with the less fortunate is a wonderful way to spread the Christmas spirit! Each year, set aside an afternoon and help children sort through their old toys and decide which ones they’d like to donate to the local toy bank. For indecisive kids, it might be helpful to give them a goal they can easily visualise–for example, you must fill this box with toys you no longer use.
Giving toys away is a good deed, and it has the added advantage of making space in the house for incoming Christmas gifts!
4. Write letters to Father Christmas

Each Christmastime, get out the pens and paper and host an epic letter-writing session. You can then post your children’s letters through the Royal Mail, and they’ll get a reply approximately ten days later! For Father Christmas’s address and more details, check out this link.
5. Enjoy a Christmas-themed film night

There’s nothing cosier in wintertime than a film night. Some families like to watch the same film every year, but others prefer to change things up. Whatever you decide, heat up the hot chocolate, pop some popcorn, kick back and get ready to feel Christmassy!
6. Open a gift on Christmas Eve

This one is another great tradition that children will look forward to every year. Prepare one special gift for children to open on Christmas Eve. Try and pick something that will get them more excited about what’s to come. It could be a pair of pyjamas to wear that night, a new book to read before bed or a bauble to hang on the tree.
7. Have a special Christmas morning breakfast

Christmas is an extra special day, so it naturally calls for an extra special breakfast! Break away from your normal healthy options and indulge in a treat — think fluffy pancakes, sweet cinnamon buns or delicious doughnuts. Don’t forget to wash it all down with a nice hot drink!
Looking for some brilliant Christmas gifts for kids? Check out what’s popular on our website!
Who is Father Christmas’s favourite singer? Elfis Presley!